Can I carry pickles on a flight?

Can I carry pickles on a flight?


Pickles have always been a cause of trouble for passengers and airline staff alike. The confusion regarding whether you are allowed to carry pickles in cabin luggage or to be checked-in has caused commotion at airports for decades now. 

But airlines have come out with clear guidelines regarding what foods are allowed and what is not accepted. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security has banned the carrying of pickles in hand-baggage, citing security measures. For the same reasons, carrying of liquids more than 100 ml is not permitted. It is also advised to refrain from carrying oily foods such as pickles, samosas, kachoris, etc in check-in luggage. If the jar of pickle has been packed well and sealed tightly, it may pass in check-in, granted it is below a specified weight.

Every airline has put up a list of items permitted as well as categories of goods considered ‘dangerous’ and hence not allowed. You can visit the website of your respective airline to cross-check items prohibited in cabin and check-in baggage.

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